Hola! and Happy Mothers day!! Loved Skyping home!! See ya at Christmas! :D
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Thumbing our way to Sans Peña |
So this week was super crazy...
I actually passed through my old area Fontana! It was really quite cool ...I miss that place.
But anyway, we had a really cool training opportunity in Sans Peña. Presidente was there, and we got trained on how to recognize the Holy Ghost, how to contact, and how to use members.
I also got to meet a lot of my old friends!! Elder Atwood, my comp from the MTC, Elder Cannon, Elder Hernandez, My Old Zone leader and now assistant Elder Perez, and just Old Missionaries from past zones! Really fun experience, loved it!
One of our investigators is Melina. She is super cool, but she just needs to get married, and HE doesn't want to. :P But she is so ready for baptism! But cool news, just yesterday she had her baby! Cute huh! But we need to get her married first! So we will be pushing a little for that. ;)
Preach My Gospel, page 172 (Spanish)
So like I have said, it is super hard to find people here
in Recon to teach, so I've been studying a lot in PMG on how to find investigators. I read something that jumped out at me: it said that as I contact
people and center my message on the family, I will find more people to
teach. That's a promise from PMG ...if I talk about the family, I'll find more
people to teach.
Scripture of the Week
Omni 1:26
I love this scripture. I found it as I was randomly flipping through pages during sacrament meeting. I love how it says come unto Christ and offer up your whole soul as an offering to Him. To live with Christ, we have to become like Him; and the only way to do that, is to give ourselves to Him and let Him mold us into a Christ-like disciple.
And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved.
I love this scripture. I found it as I was randomly flipping through pages during sacrament meeting. I love how it says come unto Christ and offer up your whole soul as an offering to Him. To live with Christ, we have to become like Him; and the only way to do that, is to give ourselves to Him and let Him mold us into a Christ-like disciple.
Bishop Juchau
Bishop Juchau is now Stake Presidente!??! Dang. Wow! He never really got a break. But he is perfect for the job. :)
So I kinda had an accident yesterday just before Skyping; I slammed my index finger in a door. It didn't hurt at the time, but it's killing me now, and it's super black ...way worse than when I took this picture. I hope my fingernail doesn't fall out. :P
So I kinda had an accident yesterday just before Skyping; I slammed my index finger in a door. It didn't hurt at the time, but it's killing me now, and it's super black ...way worse than when I took this picture. I hope my fingernail doesn't fall out. :P
There was a really pretty sunset a couple nights ago. So I jumped up on
our roof and snagged a few photos. Here out in the mission I have really
grown an appreciation for nature and the beauty thereof. I like the
sunrises and sunsets here. Not having any mountains really makes
them quite different, but spectacular. :)
...ok, one other funny experience: the zone leaders called the other Elders who live with us last night. And in mid-call, one of the Elders let out a super loud, blood curdling scream. It was hilarious. Everyone laughed -- including the Zone Leaders -- for like 10 minutes. OK now Chau!!
Well, my finger really hurts, so I am going to bid you
farewell. Just know that I love my mission and the work that I am doing.
I wouldn't trade it for the world, but not even that is worth the
happiness this work brings. I know the church is true, and I'll live what
I cherish.
Love Elder Clemons!!
...ok, one other funny experience: the zone leaders called the other Elders who live with us last night. And in mid-call, one of the Elders let out a super loud, blood curdling scream. It was hilarious. Everyone laughed -- including the Zone Leaders -- for like 10 minutes. OK now Chau!!