I've got quite the assortment of things to tell you about this week :-)
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Pricila said the most beautiful prayer |
So one of the most adorable things happened this week with Pricila,
Rosa's three year old daughter. After we finished the lessons, we asked who would like to say the closing prayer. She jumped up and
bounced around saying that she wanted to do it. So she kneels down and
offers up the most cutest prayer I think I have ever heard. It was so
simple, but so rewarding. All you heard was just this little cute voice
saying thank you and bless the missionaries and my family, etc. It was
so incredible. Aw man ...I love kids.
Vilma's Asado¡¡¡

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Asado is AWESOME !! |
President's spot-checking our teaching skills :) Yikes!
Randomly, Presidente Heyman came to our District Meeting last week and
made us all teach a random lesson about a commandment that we drew
from a hat ...each of us had less than ten minutes in front of him. Scared me to
death!! But me and Elder Pickle did quite well, I think we might have impressed him.
So transfers are likely coming up this Wednesday,
and I strongly suspect something HAS to happen to at least one of us. I'm really hoping I'll get a new
companion, and that he's latino. And much as I've absolutely loved Fontana, the people, the members, and all the work I've been able to do here, I think I'm ready to get a new area.
But the best news is .....VILMA WAS BAPTIZED¡¡¡¡¡
Yeah!! |
...buuuut along
with JENNY¡¡¡¡ Jenny's mom took a complete 180 and allowed her to also get baptized. The two of them were baptized last
Saturday, March 8th¡¡¡ :D
A lot of their family came, and the branch really supported them well (we had about 20'ish come). :D Awesome. It was so spiritually filling. :D They came out brighter, happier, and speechless. That's always one of the best moments as a missionary ...to see the face of your convert as they come out of the water. Just pure joy. I love this work. Bringing other people to the joy of the gospel just fills everyone involved with great joy.
Also, Rosa gave a talk in church¡¡¡ That was another totally rewarding
experience!! I gotta tell ya, I think I might have been smiling from ear to ear. :D I was just sitting in the
congregation listening to her give a talk and bear powerful
testimony. And she did such a wonderful job¡ Way better than most new converts to the church¡ I'm sure it'll come as no surprise that it made me quite proud to have had the privilege of playing a
part in her conversion. The room just filled with the spirit when she
began to speak. Very uplifting.
Gringo's vs. Mexicans :-)
Gringo's vs. Mexicans :-)
Oh -- hahhahaha -- so one of my zone leaders is Mexican, Elder
Hernandez. I just love Mexicans. Elder Hernandes and I often get into fun little
arguments about which country is better, Mexico or America. So as he came to our area to interview Vilma y Jenny, he
asked Vilma "which is better: a Gringo, or a Mexicano?" And she said "Gringo" :D So he figured he'd try another question and asked, "which is better,
a Gringo or an Argentine," and she again said "Gringo¡¡¡" :D Oh the look of
defeat on Hernandez´s face was priceless. :D ha! Of course, she only said that
because two Gringo's were the one's that taught her. But it was awesome to stick it to Hernandez.
Oh ya, turns out almost no one in the Fontana area can sing. I mean, they try so hard, but in vain, to
sing correctly. They just have absolutely no understanding of beat or pitch. And they all sing like 5
notes too low. :p But regardless of their examples, I sing super loud (and on key) in hopes they will
catch on.
So Rocio (the one who was baptized just two weeks ago) has a BF. And as it turns out, he's been getting pretty mad (or perhaps jealous) that
Rocio joined the church. It got to the point where he finally gave her a choice: him or the church. Ha, she dropped him there on the spot and
chose the church. Woot¡¡ Score one for the God.
Welp, that's all I've got for this week. I love my mission¡¡¡
Elder Clemons
Welp, that's all I've got for this week. I love my mission¡¡¡
Elder Clemons
This is my wash machine ...but I am the motor ;-) |
This is my pet dog, named Jerry. He lives outside our apartment, he is very loyal and loving. |
President Heyman said we need to know the commandments better, so I made these little sticky notes for each one. |