I am really hoping I get to train a Latino. I have only had one Latino as a companion so far on my mission, and I'm really hoping he will be from Uruguay. But whatever happens, happens. And I am happy with it.
So I am going to miss being a Zone Leader. I really liked being able to help all the missionaries and seeing our collective success. And I liked all the meetings with Pres. Franco every month and receiving all his inspired special training.
But what I've really wanted to do all along was to be able to focus on one Elder and start him off right; and that is exactly what Pres. Franco gave me. I couldn't be happier. :)
Oh wow, was it hard to leave Goya!!! :(

Mirta y Joana were really sad. They were both crying when I told them that I was leaving. :( They are both incredible and sooo faithful. They were always willing to help us with the missionary work and always gave us something to eat and drink any time we stopped by.

Yup, leaving Goya is hard to do :-(
everything to get himself on a mission. :) What a great kid. :)
Man, I just love the mission. There just isn't any experience in the world that can replace it. You come, serve complete strangers, and love them so easily. I really love the many things I've learned from my mission. And I love serving these people.
If there's only one thing I could take home from my time in the mission, it would be an increase of charity towards those around me. I have grown to love so many people out in the mission.

I've also grown to love Presidente Franco and his wife, the members, and the converts ...it is just so easy to love while you're a missionary. I really do believe that I have developed a bit more charity out here. Completely? No. But I know it has grown. And if I read the scriptures properly, that's probably the greatest thing that can happen to a disciple of Christ.
Christ lives. Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is the word of God as is the Bible. Humbly, we are members of Christ's true church. I know it, and this knowledge fills me with joy.
Love you all soo much! :)
Elder Clemons