So if you are wondering, the baptism did happen. SILVIA GOT BAPTIZED!!! So incredible. The branch essentially did everything for us, so all we had to do is make sure she was there. The support for her was also super incredible, the branch had about 30 people!! :) Her family doesn't really like us, but her daughter, cousins, and extremely close brother came to support her. :) And now the cousin wants to start taking the lessons! :)
Everything was just so touching. I didn't actually get to see her be baptized (too many people were in the room). But after she came up out of the water and the baptismal doors shut, you could hear her crying. That was touching. :) When she came out she was just so happy. :)
First baptism feels incredible. Everything was just incredible. The branch was so supportive, Sylvia was happy, just perfect. :)
Yesterday in church, despues she was confirmed, she bore her testimony. That was such a cool experience. She told us of her goals in life, how she never wants to go astray, and how she wants to bring her family into the church. :) Now that's a convert. :) Now all that is left is to teach her the other lessons, and to keep in contact with her forever ;)
The most amazing thing is that this coming 12th of December, Silvia is going to the temple!! :D Woot! The branch happens to be going, and she decided that she wanted to go to. Obviously just for baptisms for the dead, but still, she´s going to the temple, something she decided to do on her own. :)
The branch here is incredible; they have really absorbed her into the church. She is definitely in good hand.
The Big Sky
I miss the mountains. The world here is too big. The sky seems so much larger here without mountains. It's so weird to feel so open, but it makes the sunsets here incredible. When there are clouds, it's just jaw dropping.
Evita Peron
The current president of Argentina, a woman, recently changed the 100 pesos bill to Evita Peron!
Other Investigators
We have like no
investigators. But we do have a couple of potentials: the Montanas y the
Rojas. The Montanas have some Law of Chasity problems, meaning
he is currently married to another women but living with her. And
the Rojas have very deep faith in the Evengelio Church. But both have
real potential, so pray for them. :)Other Investigators
And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
-- Doctrine and Covenants 18:15
This baptism was such a testimony builder for me, the joy I felt just testified to me of the greatness and truthfulness of this work. :) This is His work and His glory. I love it out here. I know the church is true.
Some extra photos...
Some after baptism festivities :) |
I think this little guy sleeps in our toilet... |