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Happy Easter :-) |
So conference was pretty awesome. It got me to start thinking about life after the mission, but I still got my mission to think about for now. But all in all, conference was really nice. I must say, I've really learned to love conference as a missionary. It is so helpful and inspiring, and it also really helps our investigatores overcome their obstaculos. Of the many awesome talks, the one that I liked the most was Elder Bednar's talk about overcoming fear. And it's soooo applicable to missionaries since we often naturally fear talking with people. But we obviously have to let go of that fear, and reply upon our deep reverence and respect for God to help us overcome that fear and talk with people. Clearly, it's only when we open our mouths that people can hear the truth. If we are always too scared to talk to them, they will never have the chance to accept or reject the message of the restored gospel. And I suspect on final judgement day, if I could have shared my testimony, but didn't, I'll be at least a little bit culpable for not opening my mouth.
Yup, absolutely loved Bednar's talk ...it's the one I can best liken to myself at this moment.
Bednar video Bednar audio
He Lives
So I don't know if you have seen the new church video about Easter? I'm sure you have, it is called "él vive" ("He Lives"):
He Lives video
It is incredible. We just barely received it yesterday, and my companion and I went crazy showing it to everyone we could. We have a little portable DVD player in the apartment, and with permission of Presidente Franco, we took it out with us and showed it to everyone we could.
We did a bunch of contacts and set a lot of appointments for later in the week, but we were also able to actually have 3 lessons yesterday. We started out by testifying that our purpose was to bring people to Christ, and how when we come close to Him, He can help us. We then showed the video and talked about what Christ can do for them in their lives. We then transitioned into the Restauración of Christ's church upon the earth. It was very effective.
I kinda' had a duh moment when I realized our message isn't so much the restoration of the gospel as it is that He Lives and loves us. What a great and simple message!!
So our investigator situation is a little sad. We don't have a lot of prospects right now, but we are working with a women named Giselda. And she even went to conference, but her little girl was going so crazy that she was forced to leave :p But she came, so that's what counts! She's been reading the scriptures daily and wants to get baptized. We plan on seeing her tomorrow to show her the video; I hope it motivates her and can bring her some comfort.
We may have also found some others this week that could progress, I'll let you know next week.
Love you all!
Elder Clemons