What's a soccer ball doing in a baptismal font? |
Hey, so I can't really think of anything important that happened this week ...hmm.
today we went to a snake house ...I know, I know, you're wondering what a snake house is. Well, it's basically a house full of snakes of all kinds. And they have lots of tarantulas, turtles, and frogs; not sure if these were for food or not ;-) It was pretty cool;
they let us hold some of the snakes. I did get pictures, but sorry I'll have to send
them next week. We asked 'em if we could hold the tarantulas, but they said no, that
we would have to come back tomorrow morning to hold them. But obviously
we work, so we likely won't hold a tarantula any time soon. Haha.
So Elder León and I have a
calling in the branch here. It's not a formal set-apart type of calling, we just fill
in for just about anything. There are basically no leaders here to fulfill the callings. While we do
have a branch president and a ward mission leader, that's just about it. So we
teach the young men, young women, and priesthood classes. Haha. Obviously, in order to prepare, we
are constantly studying for these classes, in addition to our Zone
Leader responsibilities, and of course working in our own area. So we are very busy
missionaries. ;)
One of the things I love about
being a zone leader is that I get to do exchanges with all the
other missionaries in our area. It gives me an opportunity to get to know a lot of different people, and hear a lot
of different life stories. This week I went on exchanges with Elder Vasco. Although one of our missionaries, he is also the Branch Presidente in BellaVista. He came down
from BellaVista (about 2 hours away) to Goya to be with me. He wanted
to learn more about setting good commitments with investigators and how to
contact better using the Book of Mormon. So we worked on these things a lot.
also had a lot of time to just chat ...so I asked him about his
conversion story. He got converted when he was 19, and it literally
changed his life. And now he is on his mission :D Oh, it is stories like this that just make me so happy. I love the life-changing effects the gospel has on people!
this week we had 3 investigators come to church. Mirta and Joana came again (they've now come 6 times ...this is a lot!) But they're not really willing to get baptized
because of their boyfriends. Ugh! I feel bad about it, but we might have to drop them this week. And Maxy
didn't come ...'cause he accidental slept in. But if everything goes well, he will be baptized on the 22nd
of this month. :) So pray that he makes it.
found a couple of new people that we think can progress: Claudia y Telma.
I'll give you more info on them next week if they begin to come to church.
Tomorrow, we're going to Resistencia for a meeting of leaders, so I'm getting up at like 2am to get there on time :P Woot. I am kinda nervous about going to a leadership meeting, but oh well. We'll see what happens.
I may have said this a time or two before ...but I do
love my mission. I wouldn't trade it for the world. I also know that what we are teaching
is true, and that it is good news for the world. Our message is that
Christ died and rose again for us, and that we can return again to God through His suffering. ...And I
know our Heavenly Father loves us.
Love you all!!
Elder Clemons!