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Wow, I am going to miss Elder Leon!! |
Also, we had transfers yesterday, we were going to have them this Wednesday, but for some reason we had them yesterday, so I will tell you what happened to me.
Sadly, after 4.5 months, Elder Leon and I are no longer companions. He was called to be a trainer in Saenz Peña, and I stayed here as a zone leader with my new companion, Elder Felkins!!!!!!
Elder Felkins has been in the mission only 6 months! ...and has already been called to be a Zone Leader. And it's no surprise to me because he's super dedicated, faithful, and hard working. I'm super excited to learn from him.
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Elder Felkins is my new companion ...only 6 months in the mission! |
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Saying goodbye to Elder Morrin y Elder Sibaja |
Zone Conference
Our week was pretty busy. On Tuesday we had the big meeting with all the leaders in Resistencia. We talked about the new rules in the mission and how to improve our teaching abilities. We also got to watch Meet the Mormons! Wow, a super good movie! I loved the part of the Navy Coach. Also, the part of the missionary mom made me a little teary-eyed. It's just impossible not to miss your family while watching this movie as a missionary. I just want to watch it again.
Also at this meeting, we got to hear the testimony of of the "honrables" (the missionaries that are going home). This was my favorite part of this meeting. Each one was just shining with the Spirit, and each one of them had these just amazing experiences. Each time one got up to talk, you could just feel the room fill with the Spirit. Their testimonies were so real and so sincere. I hope one day my testimony will reach that level.
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My Zone just before the transfer... |
Right now in our area we have a lot of potential. We are working with Mirta, Marta, Taresa, Valentina y Lucas, and Telia y Mingo. I would asked that you can pray for each one of them.
Pray for Mirta so her lawyer can finish up the paperwork so that she can be married and baptized, Marta so that she can stop smoking and have more peace in her home, Taresa so that she can receive and recognize the answers to her prayers, Valentina y Lucas so that they can understand the doctrines of the Restored Gospel and want to be baptized, and for Telia y Mingo so that they can feel the Spirit testifying to them that they should be married.
Please pray for them all so that they can overcome their obstaculos, and pray for us so that we can know how to help them.
We had a really spiritual experience with Telia. She's 20 and lives with her boyfriend. She has a friend who is a member, and the friend has come with us to most of her lessons. We had a baptism in the zone this last Saturday, and so we invited Telia to go to see it. It was a nice service. There were about 60 people in assistance. The branch president somehow found out that I'm able to sing, so they asked me to sing "Abide With Me" in Spanish with another Elder. I'd say it went pretty well, and I think one could easily feel a spirit of love and truth during the meeting.
As we finished up the baptismal service, we went to the back of the room to eat some snacks and cake in celebration. My companion and I noticed that Telia and her friend were slow to get up, so we went over there to invite them to eat some of the deserts with the rest of the group. We found Telia silently crying, and her friend trying to comfort her. When she calmed down a little bit, we asked her what had happened, and the first thing that she said to us was, "When can I get baptized." She went on to tell us that she had never felt such love and unity in her life like she had felt during the meeting. We testified that these feelings were from God as a testimony of the divinity of the Restored Gospel, and that this was indeed the Lord's true church.
We asked her what she would be willing to do to get baptized, and she said "anything."
The very next day she got herself up and walked to church with her member friend. She stayed for the entire 3 hours. And once again, after the meeting we found her teared eyed but happy. We have another lesson scheduled with her today, so we'll see what the Lord would like us to do to help her progress.
This just stands to me as another witness of the truthfulness of this work.
God loves each and every one of us. And for this reason He has restored His church. What Telia said was correct, that love and unity are found in Christ. I know Christ died and rose for us. I know that as we come closer to Him, we also grow closer to one another.
I love the mission, I love the missionaries that I work with, and I love my family.
Love Elder Clemóns