So sad news, Viviana and her son Antonio were supposed to be baptized last week. But Viviana decided she wasn't ready yet to get baptized. So we'll give it a week, spend some time with her to resolve her concerns, and try to reschedule the baptism for next Saturday. She's been super solid the whole time, even calling us asking for more scriptures to read from the BoM. We had a lesson with her just yesterday, and had a total of 5 member friends come with us (yup, we brought a little Mormon battalion with us) to help us help her. We went in with no plan, just hope and faith that the Spirit would work through the members.
And boy, was it strong!! The Spirit worked fervently through the members to provide the needed comfort and direction. My companion and I did nothing, we hardly talked, but the members were able to comfort her, and motivate her to continue on in her studies and faith. It was a really touching lesson, and testified to me the power of the Spirit and the importance of member missionaries ...when both are present, success is guaranteed.
Tomorrow we have a big meeting with all the leaders, which means once again I'm getting up at around 2:00am! Ouch :P
Oh, I forgot to tell you we had transfers this last week. Nothing happened to me, but once again the entire zone got changed up. :P So, I guess I'll get to know lots of new faces again! :D
I'm going to miss my zone... :-( |
I love and miss you all.
Elder Clemóns
Men in black ;-) |