I'm in about a foot of water. Fun to be in a flood ...but it's slowing down the work :-( |
We are having some family/legal problems with Viviana and Antonio. Viviana's sister doesn't want them to get baptized.
Telma was going to get baptized this Saturday, but didn't make it to church because it rained. Although she's ready, I think we're going to wait one more week.
Did I mention the rain? Wow, it's rained sooo much here! Of the last 5 Sundays, it's rained 4 of them! And not just rain, it's completely flooded the area! It's crazy!
Church just started ...yup, it's only us 4 missionaries. Where is everybody? |
But tomorrow we have interviews with he Pres. Franco. They come tonight to sleep over (gotta start cleaning now!) and we have them bright and early at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Elder Leon and I will travel with them to Bella Vista to finish the interviews up there. So tomorrow should be a bonding day with Pres. Franco, haha.
So we could be having some baptisms soon, but we don't know when all this will happen.
I love you all!! Pray for Viviana, Antonio, Mirta, and Telma!
Yep, I got my papers today, June 16th is when I come home.
Elder Travis Clemons
P.S. Oh!!! Do you think you could make me a little booklet of My Family? Just something electronic. I need to do it before Feb 3rd. But all I need is to go back 3 generations including birth dates, death dates, cities, marriages, todo. Ask Lori! or Grandma!!
So we had the zone meeting last week, we asked an hermana to make us some home made donuts, oh it was just divine. |