Let's talk about the bad first ...I got suuuuper sick. Suuuper sick. Worst I have been in many
years. But luckily, it is essentially gone now. It really hit me Wed to Sat.
It was probably just a bad flu; but it attacked with a massive migraine left hook. Horrible it was (as Yoda would say).
But I only allowed myself to stay in one day because I didn't want to
lose too much work time, especially with preparing our invesitgatores for
Each time it comes around, I just get so excited!! I loved conference this
year. I have many favorites, and I can't wait to study them all
when the Liahona comes out down here. :D I also loved that they allowed some of the speakers to speak in their native
language! Holla out to Spanish; we got two Spanish speakers!! Whenever
they spoke we switched to the Spanish feed because the talks are always more "real" when you hear the person saying it himself, rather than having it translated with a voice-over.
I really loved Lynn G Robbins, Elder Holland, and Uchdorf during priesthood, Eyring during priesthood and Sunday morning, and Carlos a Godoy. All of them!
because of time, I can't really write all my thoughts in this email, but what really caught my
attention was what Carlos a Godoy said about his Patriarchal Blessing, and
if his present living was conducive to receiving the blessings prescribed
in it. His experience inspired me to do the same. So this morning I took
a sheet a paper and wrote 4 categories on it: Blessings, Warnings,
Advice/direction, and Future, and I carefully read
through my blessing and filled out these categories. What I learned is that God gives many, many blessings to his children with the
expectation to use those gifts to live a good life, to
help others, and to further his work.
Now that I better understand the blessings he has given me, and what he
expects from me, and what my life could look like, I know now how to
more properly conduct myself and make the right choices to live the life God wants for me. It was a rewarding experience ...and I'm sure there will yet be many more hours of study and prayer.
Transfers are coming up this week; so I expect most likely I am gone. Ya tengo 6 meses aqui!!
As I may have said a time or two in the past, I love my mission, and my family, and all the leaders who have helped me become who I am.
Elder Clemons