Sorry about yesterday ...the reason I am writting Monday
and Tuesday is because the power went out yesterday while we were writing. It happens about twice a day nearly, so we got permission from President to write again
First off, David got baptized!!! Woot! He is the coolest 10
year old that you will ever meet. He is the nephew of the Ward Misión leader
and the son of a less active family who is now becoming more active in the church
once again. We had a lot of people come to be part of his baptism. And some of the other missionaries in our zone also had people ready for baptism this same day. So we had a total of 5 souls enter the waters of baptism this week.
Yup, it was a really good week.
This week was fairly successful for us as a companionship ...and for the zone!

And everything went really smooth too. Elder León and I cleaned the font ...well, kinda' (Elder León didn't want to get wet; kinda' hard to clean if you don't want to get wet). The President of Rama (editor: Branch President) had all the food ready,
and the baptisms even started on time, so it was a really good experience.
We also had several investigators in attendance there to support David. Two members of the Ward missión leader’s family, Walter Gomez, and David’s dad. We picked them up baptism, and also invited them to church. Walter Gomez´s son Ezequil is super cool, all he has to do is get married and he’ll get baptized :D
We also had several investigators in attendance there to support David. Two members of the Ward missión leader’s family, Walter Gomez, and David’s dad. We picked them up baptism, and also invited them to church. Walter Gomez´s son Ezequil is super cool, all he has to do is get married and he’ll get baptized :D
We also had a remarkable 7 investigators come to church the next day! It was one of the highest assistance
rates I have had in my misión (editor's note: when investigators come on their own, or with members help, or any number of "other" reasons). So we had 7 new investigators come to church ...and we didn't
have to go out looking for nearly any of them, they all come by their own means
and ways. It's a really strong indication that people are sincere when they show up on their own, so I'm really looking forward to teaching
all these new people!
As a whole, our zone has also had its highest assistence rate in over 6
months; so we're super pleased with that. As far as I can tell, the missionaries in our zone are all working super
hard and doing what they're supposed to. As Zone Leaders, we really don't do anything to make that happen :-)
Oh ya, we also had interviews with Pres Franco this past week. And I think our ZL training went pretty good too. When we were done, Pres Franco basically told us to keep doing what we are doing. Now if I could only figure out what that was :) So, ya.
The Cathedral in the Goya Plaza |
Oh ya, we also had interviews with Pres Franco this past week. And I think our ZL training went pretty good too. When we were done, Pres Franco basically told us to keep doing what we are doing. Now if I could only figure out what that was :) So, ya.
Today I am in Bella Vista. It's about 2 hours away from Goya,
and it is where the other half of the zone is at. So I really don't know the
missionaries over here, just by voice from the phone calls we make every now
and again. We really just came to say hi and do some exchanges with the Elders up
OK, so that's it for today. I love my mission, and I am
super excited to get to work here in Goya! I'm just feeling a good spirit about the place.
Love you all!! :D
Elder Clemóns
There are only 2 cars in the mission. President Franco just got this sweet new truck!! |
I hate in-grown toenails :-( |