Fun stuff
So one of the Hermana's in our district is super duper gullible. Like
really! bahaha. We convinced her that the 2nd word in every verse in
D&C 88 would write out the preamble to Declaration 1 ...and then
she went and tried it! Bahahahahaha, soooo funny! It took her like 10
verses to realize it had nothing to do with it! Bahaha! And then the next
day we convinced her that if you read D&C 26 backwards, it was the
Proclamation on the Family :) Oh goodness. Haha, she's a funny one.
Every Sunday and Tuesday
nights we have a devotional at the Marriott Center. It's super fun.
Everyone lines up like 15 minutes early at the MTC gates. As soon as
they open, it's a fast walk race. It's hilarious; everyone is booking it
...but the rule is you have to have both feet on the ground at once. Es
muy comico. The sad thing is we've NEVER yet had a General Authority
come to talk to us; it's just been random people. I only have one
devotional left this Sunday night. I just want one general authority!! :p But nonetheless, the talks have been amazing!
Thanks for the photos a result, Kimi is really popular in my district. So I tried hooking Kimi up with my teachers. They are both incredible guys, but sadly, they already have girlfriends. But they did admit she was quite attractive ...we'll see how this goes.
Our service day is on Thursdays at 6:15. So last Thursday, they let us set up the flags around the MTC!! Woot! We got to set up a total of 32 of them. Everyone in my district went running for Argentina, but I went for Germany and France for dad:) I also grabbed Spain for Brent and some other random flags that had cool designs on them. It was very cool and fun to set them up all over campus ...not even fair to call this service! Bahahaha! Tomorrow is our last service day; it'll be fun to see what they'll have us do.
Oh, so I guess I may have spoken too soon ...remember how I said I didn't get sick, well I did. I got it last Thursday, and I'm just barely getting better today. It didn't stop me from studying or anything, just had a sore throat and the absolutely worst stuffy nose ever. I didn't get very much sleep this week :( But tonight I hope to sleep ok since I'm starting to feel better.
In last Sunday's
devotional, a recent convert from Korea bore her her native
tongue. Boy....I'm glad I'm learning Spanish. Those sounds all sound the
same. It's freaking ridiculous. Thumbs up I get to learn the 2nd most useful language in the
world! Go Spanish!
Spiritual stuff
when I
used to do my scripture studying, I just read the Book of Mormon
chronologically, front to back. I've very much enjoyed this, and it's
helped me to know where most of the stories are. But now, I've changed
my studying to read by themes based
on the needs of my investigators. It's so amazing to prepare this way.
Soooo many times during lessons the investigator asks a particular
question for which I've prepared, and BAM, I remember a scripture that's
perfect for the
need! It's kinda' cool and has happened at least once in every lesson.
Obviously, they have us memorize lots of scripture references. But
often these aren't the ones that we've memorized, just the one's I
recalled reading during my studies. Scriptures like
D&C 93:1
Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me, and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am;
or Ether 12:4
Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world, yea, even a place at the right hand of God, which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God.
really, just kinda' random ones that the Spirit brings to my memory to
help my investigators. :) It's really cool to see the power preparation brings to your lessons. :)
At the devotional yesterday, Brother Jay Jensen (the speaker) said, "The power to convert is directly linked to the scriptures." It's so true. Both the Bible and Book of Mormon testify of Christ and truth, and that power is what converts people.
2 Nephi 31 |
Brother Jensen also taught that we, the missionaries,
"living wells". He only said it once and continued with his talk; but it
really got me pondering. Christ, in His own words, said that He was the
Living Water,
John 4:14
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
So in my personal studies, I was reading my favorite
chapter -- Helaman 5 -- and totally caught something I hadn't ever
before. Referring to earlier: "There is a height, depth, and breadth to
every scripture that we have
not yet discovered." Verse 5, where Helaman is talking about why he
named his sons Nephi and Lehi.
Similarly, we also bare Christ's name. At baptism and every week at the sacrament table, we take upon ourselves Christ's name, and are asked to remember Christ's works, all of which are good, and are counseled to strive to be like Him, for we are His people and bare His name. :)
Helaman 5:6
...Behold, I have given unto you the names of our first parents who came out of the land of Jerusalem; and this I have done that when you remember your names ye may remember them; and when ye remember them ye may remember their works; and when ye remember their works ye may know how that it is said, and also written, that they were good.
Similarly, we also bare Christ's name. At baptism and every week at the sacrament table, we take upon ourselves Christ's name, and are asked to remember Christ's works, all of which are good, and are counseled to strive to be like Him, for we are His people and bare His name. :)
Out in the real world ...kinda :) |
And finally ...I'm happy. :) Regardless of what goes on
here, and the difficulties and challenges I deal with, I'm happy. I loved this week, even
if currently I'm trapped in the CCM. I'm just
happy and know I'm being blessed because of the work I'm doing. Studying makes me
happy, learning makes me happy, anything that deals with God makes me happy. :)
I know this work is true, and true happiness is found in the service of others. I'm just a happy, bubbly little missionary happy to be doing the work. I can't wait to share my feelings with others. God is happiness, therefore, I'm happy as I come closer to God.
The Church is true, and my testimony will never falter. :)
I know this work is true, and true happiness is found in the service of others. I'm just a happy, bubbly little missionary happy to be doing the work. I can't wait to share my feelings with others. God is happiness, therefore, I'm happy as I come closer to God.
The Church is true, and my testimony will never falter. :)
Elder Clemons