This post includes several small letters we've received from Travis over the last 10 days. It's mostly pictures ...enjoy :-)

12/23/13 - Day before Christmas Eve
We haven't had water in our apartment now for 7 days, so that's been fun. Not!
The riots have essentially stopped now, but we still have to come home early each night.
Yet again, no investigators in church. :(
And I am still in Fontana with Elder Pickle.
we had a mission-wide party; all the missionaries came! It was so fun! I got to see
all my friends and take pictures with them -- which I'll send whenever I
find a nice computer to send pictures.
One of my Hijos - I had him for a couple days |
So we've had a couple of "day" companions. New
missionaries are arriving daily now, and since we live so close to the
mission home, we are always paired with them. I have had so much
fun with them. I have learned so much from them, and I'm pumped to use these new skills
in my teaching.
So falto tiempo, pero yo quiro dejarles con mi
pensamientos de el nacimiento de Jesucristo (editor: "not much time left, so I'll leave you with my thoughts about the birth of Christ"). What a wonderful time it is
right now. Although it's blistering hot and humid, you can still feel the
Christmas spirit :) People have little trees everyone and lights
decorating their homes. It just brings a smile to my face. But let's not
forget the reason why we celebrate Christmas. It is not about presents,
snow, trees, or even missionary work. It is only about Christ. His
birth, His sacrifice, and His love for us. His is a work of love. I am
not the messenger of a modern-day prophet, or of Joseph Smith, or indeed of any man. I an
authorized servant of Jesus Christ Himself. I have been called by Him to
preach His love. Christmas is about Christ. Let us all remember that
Great Sacrifice He endured for us. He loves us; I love Him, and I love
this work.

Love Elder Clemons
12/25/2013 - Christmas
Travis called on Christmas day at 3:00 Utah time. We had a very difficult time maintaining a Skype connection. Travis addressed the problem by simply saying "Well, this is Argentina" ;)
We were able to call phone to phone, but even that wasn't great -- connection I mean -- talking to Travis was great :)
The family around the computer. It was nice to see Travis for a few seconds !!! |
Travis blushed when we told him he was gaining weight |
Hello family.
Ok, so it is hot
here; I sweat constantly. During studies, showering, even sleeping! I wake
up to see my body's sweat imprint in my bed. It's ridiculous how
hot it is. I've never experienced so much heat and humidity!!!!!!

Oh, also, we've now gone 14 days without water
in our bathroom, and the last 3 days without water for anything. So unfortunately, we've had to go back to using, um, plastic bags :( Right now, we're living on the emergency reserves of water
president asked us to set up about 3 weeks ago prior to the riots. :p It seems to be a city wide problem, but
nonetheless, we are moving. We can't live in these conditions any longer.
So we had 4 investigators in church Sunday!!
:D Sergio, and Rosa with her daughters. Sergio is
about 60, and actually lived in the states for 10 years, so he speaks
English. He is incredibly prepared to hear the Gospel and loves us. Rosa is a single mom
with 3 daughters that really wants to feel peace and create unity in her family. She knows these qualities are found within the church. :) They both loved it!
:) I was tan feliz!
Christmas was nice ...and VERY hot. We worked all day except for the time where I got to call home. :)
Oh, and thanks for the Christmas package! I loved everything in it,
and especially the peanut butter! Also really love the stickers! And
as always, Kimi's gift was thoughtful......
So if there is any way that I can get some beef jerky that would be incredible. I might even be able to get a baptism out of it ;) Also,
I guess I have used my BoM too much because the leather binding has now
fallen off. If you could, please send some REALLY powerful glue. :)
I love you all. The present I have for you is that I'll work really hard to bring souls to Christ! :)
Love you!
Elder Clemons
Some more pics:
I finally bought a machete. I'm so cool! |
My District Leader just went home :( |
Everyone has their Dish! |